If you plan to have a stove, water heater, or appliances inside of the vehicle then you need to routinely check them. Review all of the cords and make sure they don’t have any damages. A vent in the roof of the vehicle is highly recommended. When you have such items in a confined space, there is the risk of fumes building quickly so you need to alleviate that from occurring.
Keep items on hand that you can reach for both inside the vehicle and outside of it. Carry bear spray, pepper spray, and other items to protect you. Bears CAN open locks so if they find out you have food they can get in. They can also break glass if they are hungry and determined.
Unfortunately you also need to think safety in terms of other people getting into the vehicle. Make sure you have very sturdy doors and that you have quality locks. You should be able to lock the vehicle when you are inside so that no one can get in without your permission. You should also be able to securely lock it up when you venture away from the vehicle such as for hiking or to go fishing further down the river.
You may be far from town when it comes to the location you are at around the river. Always have a well-stocked first aid kit. It needs to have plenty of supplies for a variety of types of problems. It should include scissors, gauze, bandages, antiseptic ointment, snake bite cures, over the counter pain medicine, and more.
If you plan to be roughing it a long way from town, you may be better off going for an overall survival kit. It has all of the basic items of a first aid kit but it also offers some advanced items including a scalpel and pain medicine for an abscess tooth. It should feature water purification tablets in the event you are out of water and you will need to purify some from the river.
Have some medical supplies on hand in case you need them. This includes common ailments such as a headache or back pain. Eye drops, ear drops, sore throat medication, allergy pills, anti-rash cream and anything else you can think of that you may need should be on hand.
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