If you take prescription medications, you certainly need to make sure you have enough for your time by the river. Make sure you store all medications in a dry location and that they are away from the sunlight. A small lunchbox that is insulated can be a very good option.
A CB radio is a good idea if you will be in locations where you aren’t going to have cell phone reception. This type of communication can help you to get assistance if you really need it quickly. You may not be camping in an area where there are lots of other people. The more remote the area is the more important it is to have a CB in place.
Make sure the CB you obtain has the WX weather channel available. You will need to be well aware of any alerts or evacuation. You will only get the weather updates and advisories for your given location as the signal will always bounce of the closest towers to you.
It may be best to get the hand held type of CB that you can take with you when you are away from your vehicle. That way you can always stay on top of things. With adverse weather, you may not have much time at all to get prepared. Getting that alert as soon as possible lets you make the decision to find shelter where you are or to make the distance back to your vehicle for shelter.
Flares are a good idea to have too because they can be seen such a long distance away. If you can’t communicate with your CB radio or the cell phone they can send a message quickly. This type of backup plan though should only be used in the event of an emergency.
Consider adding screens to the windows. You can cut them to fit. This allows you to open the windows when you would like to for ventilation and air circulation. It also reduces the risk of bugs and mosquitoes getting inside. You may want to put a bug zapper outside to help with reducing the volume of them you have to encounter. During certain times of the year, they are in abundance.
Even though you want your privacy, always make sure someone knows where you will be and when you will be back. You may have limited resources to connect with them but check in on a regular basis. They should have a good idea of how to find you if you don’t check in.
This is a safety precaution as you never know what will happen. You should plan for the worst out there. Chances are it won’t happen but if you need help, at least you know that someone will come looking for you at a given point in time if you haven’t been heard from.
Have a safe or small lock box that is fireproof for important papers, cash, jewelry, and other items that you don’t want to lose. If someone where to break into your vehicle while you are away from it, you don’t want to lose such items.
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